Thursday, January 9, 2014

Forward Day By Day

Exciting news! Four of my icons will be the 2014 cover art for Forward Day By Day, a daily devotional published quarterly by Forward Movement, a ministry of The Episcopal Church.

If you came here today because you saw this blog address inside the cover of your new Forward Day By Day, welcome! This blog is a collection of photos of icons I've written and workshops I've led in Maine, Florida and California. Click around and you will get a sense of how icons are written, as well as the theology and spirituality represented by these holy images.  Because my "day job" as a parish priest keeps me rather busy, I am not able to update this blog with anything like regularity. Please don't hesitate, however, to be in touch (pblair(at)stpetersdelmar(dot)net)  if you have any questions about what you see here, the icons themselves, or the process by which they are written.

Peace and Joy!