Saturday, August 23, 2008

I am the Light

On Tuesday of next week, 6 students will begin writing this icon in a workshop offered by St. George's, the parish I serve. Three of the students have written other icons with me before, and three are new to iconography.

This icon is based on a ceiling mosaic icon from the Cefalu cathedral in Palermo, Italy.

Earlier this year I was led to write this icon in part because I was looking for an image that would be good for new and experienced iconographers alike. Using only the "head and shoulders" of the image keeps the details larger, which will be easier for older hands and older eyes. And the icon itself is compelling. There is a kindness and an awesomeness both in this image of Christ, who reminds us (through the inscription in the Gospel book he is holding) that he is the Light of the world.

Stay tuned, as I hope to include pictures from next week's class, and the student's work.

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