This icon of the Venerable Bede was a commission as a birthday gift for a colleague's partner. Some of the coolest icons I've done in the last years have been due to this friendship-- I am so grateful for the friendship and the adventures in iconography! Most of what we know about the early years of Christianity in British Isles we know because of the Venerable Bede. More information about his life and ministry may be found here.
This is beautiful. Bede is one of my favourite saints. Thank you for posting it.
I doubt I can afford it at present, but do you take commissions from members of the public? and how much would you charge for an icon like this?
Marnanel, I apologize for being so ridiculously tardy in answering. I am pretty basic with this blog, and somehow didn't have notification of your comment coming to me. I do take commissions from members of the public. Please feel free to email me at pblair1@earthlink.net if you are still interested. This Bede icon was itself a commission. Again, my apologies!
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